Friday, May 20, 2011

Official CDC Zombie Apocalypse Protocol

      Well, I guess with yet another Apocalypse theory on the eve of being proven wrong, and many more to come the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has an official protocol for the event of a zombie apocalypse....yeah, you heard that right. Click the jump to check this shit out...

      Better safe than sorry I guess. And I suppose the basic principles for surviving the zombie apocalypse apply to most other apocalyptic scenarios. But I just find it strange (Yet remarkably awesome) that such an official organization like the CDC has pretty much said "Ok yeah, we should probably prepare for that...". Granted they're trying to relate to the masses by linking a general/disaster famine scenario to what's popular nowadays. But near the end of the article, they say "If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak". Which either brings down the credibility of the CDC, or makes the possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse all too real. (Is anyone else giddy at the thought? Actually come to think of it, what do they know that we don't?..... But if the crazies are right, you have about a day to prep your shit before the big 5-21 apocalypse, so get those molotovs ready; I'll be downtown picking off celeb look alikes from rooftop like the dude in "Dawn of the Dead".

Check out the most epic contingency plan of all time here:



  1. Zombies are a good way to go if you ask me. If we blow up the world, it is our fault. They attack us, it's their fault.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thats so funny because I had a Member in the gym where I work today come up and nearly cry with laughter today about this apocalypse he just heard about thats supposedly scheduled for precisely 6.00pm tomorrow afternoon(Ireland time). I just said that that sucks because I'm supposed to go drinking with my friends at 7.00 pm :( :D

  4. ive always wanted a zombie apocolypse

  5. I've got my weapon of choice: hand made katana. No bullets required, just my blood and sweat. Or, er... their blood and sweat... mixed with mine...

    Too confusing. Point is, chop-chop!

  6. hey jeremy can u talk about duke nukem vs chuck norris :D ?

  7. Well there's 2 hours and 4 minutes left of the rapture day for me as of right now, and at this point there is no sign of shit hitting the fan.

  8. lol well i don't wanna say shyte will not happen and then it does... but if the world was going to hell on the 21st ... wouldn't have Australia be totally f**ked right now?

  9. been dreaming of zombie outbreak since i was 12 or some shit like that. would make my days alot more action packed and id always have something too do

  10. well no will no when the earth will end, but it will end in fire that am sure about

  11. I will presonally give all of you 10 bucks each if the world ends!

  12. I'm Australian, it's sunday now, you fuckers are all going to just fine.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Wha-...WHAT?

    What happened to the days when zombies were just dead people. Just random dead people that came to life for no reason whatsoever.

    But noooooooooooo~ Nowadays it has to be a "disease" or some kind of "logical" explanation.


    All joking aside though, how the flip can anyone believe that THAT can actually happen?

    The closest thing were getting to an actual zombie is a person with rabies.

  15. HAHA icant read.

  16. heres a question: if the apocalypse did happen today and u had to choose 4 celebrities (2 girls and 2 guys) to aid u in ur mission to save urselves and find a way to leave the city (resident evil style) which 4 celebs would u choose?

  17. Saoirse Ronan because of her ninja badassery.
    Natalie Portman because she's hot.

    Robert Pattinson so i could 'accidentally' shoot him in the face
    JeremyJahns because of his ninja badassery.

  18. Tomorrow if Zombies roam the Earth, I'll be holed up in a LIbrary with friends. If we are dealing with corpses then I don't think we have to worry about getting bitten or scratched, just killed. So I'll be conducting raids on my town's wallmart with some friends as we live in a Library. Hey at least we got books to read in downtime.

  19. Since the crazies are holed up in CA doesn't that mean that the apocalypse is going to start a six PM Pacific time?

  20. Ha! That's pimp. I'd love to live in a zombie filled world. But the CDC isn't gonna be able to do shit! It'll spread too fast and the whole quarintine or however the fuck you spell that is all bullshit too! Psh. If zombies come...we're all fucked. :P

  21. ive been saying to my friends if the world ends i want it to go out in an undead outbreak walking not running zombies im not gonna get my cardio up for that stuff id just wrather become a zombie

  22. I know I'm late on the whole the world is ending thing but thought you might enjoy this (if you haven't seen it already.)

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