So "Man of Steel" has been a bit polarizing when it comes to reactions and feedback from those who have watched it. Most people who wanted to watch a cool Superman movie walked away pleased with the film, but the critic reviews on the other hand have been less than praise. This is not an absolute however as there are many critics who did enjoy the film, but if you are like me, you do find yourself on the elite sewing circle website of critics known as
RottenTomatoes.com to see what the social elite of movie critics think of the new releases. And if you are even more like me than you thought; when you saw Man of Steel standing at a 56% on the Tomato Meter, you thought to yourself "I wonder what movies have a higher rating than Man of Steel"? And so, I give you a list of 10 movies with a higher score on
RottenTomatoes.com than Man of Steel. Click the jump break to be entertained if not mildly baffled...